Why Upgrade to our Premium System?

Why Upgrade to our Premium System?

The number one reason our customers choose to insulate their Park Home is to keep warm. Albeit, other benefits include, but are not limited to:
  • Reduced noise intrusion
  • Extending the lifespan of your home
  • Hugely reduced maintenance
  • Aesthetically beautiful show home finish
  • Increases the saleability of the home
  • Smooth finish, rather than stippled
Having said all of this, some people simply want to be that extra bit warmer, and may choose our premium package, which upgrades their insulation by 30mm (or 1.2inches!)
Doing this helps retain the heat better in the home, and overall makes the home warmer and the temperature more ambient when the heating is on.
Some Park Homes are more suited than others to our Premium system, and this is often due to the depth of the soffit (the soffit is the overhang of the roofline). Don’t worry though, one of our friendly onsite surveyors can work for and with you, to decide what system is most appropriate for your home!
The effectiveness of insulation is measured in a unit called U-Values. A U-Value is described as the rate of transfer of heat through a structure, i.e; your wall and our insulation system. The closer to zero the U-Value is, the better retention of heat and the slower the transfer rate. Selecting our Premium system will allow you to achieve a lower U-Value!
Our standard insulation system achieves a U-Value of around 0.45, whereas our premium system reaches a U Value of 0.32 (Figures approx).
Contact us today for more information on what system is best for your Park Home, we’re always here to help!

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